When people would ask me, at 5 years old, what I wanted to be when I grew up the answer was always simple: a boss. Well...a boss or a ballerina.

 While I’ve spent much of my life singing, performing, and speaking onstage, I never did make it to that first ballet class.. So, ultimately my passion for putting on a good show led me to event planning as a career. 


In 2015, after 10 years of coordinating events from small social functions and large corporate meetings, to massive marine balls and city-wide presidential debates, I was presented with a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity, and I decided it was time to do what I always wanted…become a BOSS.

 I began my “boss” career as the owner of Envents, LLC, my very own certified Destination Management Company (DMC). Based out of Myrtle Beach, SC,  we specialize in event design, destination logistics, and corporate event management.

However, it took less than a week to realize being a boss wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. In fact, being the boss of a small business meant working harder than I had ever worked in my entire life.

I thought as a boss I would have total control over my life and my decisions. Instead, I lost myself in the hustle and bustle of the business and wrapped my identity and self-worth into my company. My metric of success was judged only by what I was able to produce through what I had defined as my purpose.

So, to say the pause of the pandemic was an unwelcome and uncomfortable change to the fast-paced, high-stress environment of the event industry is the understatement of the year.


But, as I was able to find peace sitting in the stillness, I realized I was still the little girl who wanted to be a boss. Not the boss of just an event planning company, but more importantly the boss of her life. 

Ego, money, and success had gotten in the way of understanding what it meant to have true self-control. Learning how to say no to the unimportant, no to the inclination to do less than my best, and no (sometimes even) to the good, taught me how to say yes with a heart full of love, freedom, and boundaries.

Thus began my road to Re|N|vention, and a sincere desire to en|spire others as I shift my career to a calling. I am no longer limiting my gifts to a man-made idol of success, but rather using them in all areas where they intersect my passions, through events, information, engagements, interactions, and entertainment.